PUPPY LOVE by Wayward
TITLE: puppy love (1/1)
AUTHOR: Wayward
EMAIL ADDRESS: wayward@fluffy.com
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Gossamer and Spooky2000; all others please ask
SPOILER WARNING: generally up to and including "Millenium" in Season 7
RATING: PG for descriptions
SUMMARY: Post-ep other POV for "Millenium"
AUTHOR NOTES: The author is especially grateful to SusanF and cofax for their dogged pursuit of the beta truth.


CC Production Notes, #14

To: Wardrobe and Makeup

No offense, but the 'pruning shears' look just isn't working for David. Would someone please tell Shiban that Chris wants him to return the Weed-Whacker? California is a year-'round gardener's paradise, but all it really takes is a few goats to keep his lawn tidy. Ken H. in Props should know whether we have any left.

'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and--

the ground comes up to kiss me
hello moon and dave laughs and goes inside and leaves me in the dark

they are inside and i am outside with the last of the dead smell

'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and
the dirt is bitter with cold and old leaves and dry grass and gravel dust

dead is not bad
not the just-dead or dying
sometimes i can taste the small just-dead
when dave does not see me
a quick snap and cool flesh
or warm if it is still dying
when dave sees me he slaps my nose and growls at me
dave is people-kind but still a male
i lie down and whimper with my throat-blood ready to spill
dave laughs and rubs my belly

dead is not bad
but the longer dead
the sour dead
the dead that smell and the flesh that moves with small other life
it is not good to taste if it moves as i bite
better to leave the longer dead alone

it is a new smell
a sour dead that walks
dead still alive
flesh that moves like mud
people-kind already dead still alive

the people-kind smell of fear
the males call us forward
the smell of longer dead comes from the ground
comes from a hole with dirt around
the dead smell is here
in the air
in the dirt
dead still alive
the dead smell is here

i whimper and crawl away from the smell
one male drags me back by my collar
forces my nose into the dirt beside the hole
i pull away and growl
the male slaps my head

"Max! Down, Max!"

dave hits the male on the nose
they fight and the male falls bloody and trembling
dave calls me and scratches behind my ears
we move now

we follow the dead smell
inside where there is blood on the floor and just-dead
inside where there is already-dead dead once more
the dead smell does not leave
outside i run
'round and 'round and 'round
the air does not clean away the dead smell

we follow the dead smell
the trees move quickly
i put my nose out into the fast air
dave does not growl or pull me back

the dead smell is here
the dead smell is in the house
sharp powder and blood and fear
the already-dead are dead again
and one male still alive that smells already dead
eyes that look dead

it is dark and cold and i run
'round and 'round and 'round
to make the air clean the smell away
two females stop and the young one laughs

"Agent Scully, did you see the dog chasing his tail?"

"Yes, I did, Jordan. Perhaps Maxima is happy that the day is over. She was a big help to us today."

the female is listening and watching all around
the female protects the young one but they are not blood-kin
i lick the young one and the young one laughs and pats me
they go inside and i lie on the cold ground and listen for dave

the female comes outside with a male
i sit up and whimper softly to get the female's attention
the female kneels down and scratches my ears and presses her face to my head

the male whimpers and sniffles
the female looks at the male
the female looks at me

"Mulder, I do believe you've met your match."

"Come on, Scully. It's New Years'. I'm just looking for a little attention."

the female scratches the male behind his ears

"Very funny, Scully."

"I thought so. Come on, Rin-Tin-Tin, let's go home."

the male and female belong to each other
their scent says they are not mates now
they move as if they hunt together
they go away into the dark to hunt each other

dave comes outside and brings water
i drink and water splashes the ground around me
dave laughs and goes inside and leaves me in the dark
i run to clean the dead smell away

'round and 'round and 'round and 'round and--
the ground comes up to kiss me
hello moon


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© 1999 Wayward Fluffy Publications and Cathy Faye Rudolph